The Benedictine Path
at the Benedictine Peace Center
Benedictine Spirituality for Everyone
Select from several offerings to EXPLORE or to DEEPEN your understanding of the wisdom of St. Benedict.
For more than 1500 years the Rule of Benedict has served as a trustworthy spiritual guide for men and women of all faiths whether single, married, or professed monastics.
New offerings are online via Zoom or in person. Scroll down to see offerings that meet your needs and schedule.

“ . . .as we progress in this way of life and in faith, we shall run on the path of God’s commandments,
our hearts overflowing with the inexpressible delight of love.” Prologue, v. 49, Rule of St. Benedict
Click or Scroll down for specific offerings that can meet your needs and schedule.
Lecture Charism Forum
Benedictine Lecture
The Liturgical Character of Benedictine Spirituality
Friday, April 19, 2024 | 7:00 p.m.
LIVE and in person at Sacred Heart Monastery Chapter Room
The central work of Benedictines is what St. Benedict calls “The Work of God,” the daily cycle of liturgical prayer. In his rule, the many chapters regarding liturgy hold a pivotal place between the premise of the monastic life and the other daily practices. While many of these chapters may seem technical or irrelevant, they hold many wise teachings about the rhythm of prayer as the rhythm of life.
Sister Judith Sutera, OSB, is a member of the Benedictine monastery of Mount St. Scholastica in Atchison. She authored a gender-neutral translation of the Rule of Benedict with Commentary. Judith is a popular writer, speaker, and retreat leader, bringing Benedictine wisdom to oblates, academics, and other religious groups.
This lecture is FREE to the public thanks to funding from the Benedictine Service Fund. Registration is closed.
Benedictine Charism Forum
Experiencing a Vocation: Patterns of Navigating the Journey
A Zoom offering designed for Benedictine monks, nuns, and oblates with experience in Benedictine living.
Thursday, April 18, 2024 | 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. (US CDT)
Speaker: Fr. Michael Casey, OCSO
Fr. Michael Casey has been a Cistercian monk of Tarrawarra Abbey Australia since 1960. He is the author of several books and many articles on monastic history spirituality and has given workshops and retreats in every continent – except Antarctica.
This one-hour program will include a talk by Fr. Michael Casey, OCSO, followed by a brief dialogue time in breakout groups leading into a Q & A forum with Fr. Michael.
Registrations will be limited to 100 email addresses. You are welcome to gather a group to view the talk using a single email address.
Individuals wishing to engage vocally in the Q & A session need to be visible on screen.
Participants may also submit a question for Michael by sending an email to Benedictine Peace Center (
Registration is closed.